• *Les maladies traitées par le miira-cell+*)

    Maladie rénale
    Maladie de Parkinson
    Polyarthrite rhumatoïde
    Lupus érythémateux disséminé
    Douleur chronique au cou
    Tous les types de cancer
    Maladie du foie
    Cancer de la prostate
    Cancer colorectal
    Anémie falciforme
    Paralysie cérébrale
    Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques
    syndrome pulmonaire
    Pneumopathie obstructive chronique
    Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes
    Ulcère peptique
    Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple Ulcère/pied diabétique
    Pierres aux reins
    Pierre de la vésicule biliaire
    Polypes nasaux
    Troubles mentaux
    Blessure à la moelle épinière
    Maladie du foie

    *Les maladies traitées par le miira-cell+*) 👇👇👇👇👇 ♦️Maladie rénale ♦️Cataracte ♦️Glaucome ♦️Maladie de Parkinson ♦️AVC ♦️Polyarthrite rhumatoïde ♦️Arthrose ♦️Neurofibromatose ♦️Lupus érythémateux disséminé ♦️Lombalgie ♦️ Douleur chronique au cou ♦️Spondylose ♦️Névralgie ♦️Acné ♦️Chéloïdes ♦️Tous les types de cancer ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Cancer de la prostate ♦️Cancer colorectal ♦️Anémie falciforme ♦️Paralysie cérébrale ♦️Leucémie ♦️Infertilité ♦️Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques ♦️Cardiomyopathie ♦️Asthme ♦️ syndrome pulmonaire ♦️Pneumopathie obstructive chronique ♦️Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes ♦️Ulcère peptique ♦️Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple ♦️Ulcère/pied diabétique ♦️Pierres aux reins ♦️Pierre de la vésicule biliaire ♦️Polypes nasaux ♦️ Épilepsie ♦️Autisme ♦️Troubles mentaux ♦️ Paralysie ♦️Blessure à la moelle épinière ♦️Leucémie ♦️Immunosuppression ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Goitre ♦️Démence 🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛etc.
    1 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 125 Views
  • Secure Your Future with Crown Bankers

    Looking for a smart investment? Crown Bankers is your go-to platform, focusing on the most promising sectors—solar power, electric vehicles (EVs), cryptocurrencies, and Forbes Top 500 companies.

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    🌟 Secure Your Future with Crown Bankers 🌟 Looking for a smart investment? Crown Bankers is your go-to platform, focusing on the most promising sectors—solar power, electric vehicles (EVs), cryptocurrencies, and Forbes Top 500 companies. 💼 Flexible Investment Packages: Start with as little as $25 or go big with up to $50,000. Plus, you can activate as many packages as you want! 💰 Instant Referral Commissions: Earn 7% to 9% instantly for every referral. 🔗 Team Builder Bonus: Get 10% binary income when you build your team. 🏆 My Crown Rewards: Unlock the potential to earn up to $320,000. And the best part? We offer 24/7 support to ensure your investment journey is smooth and successful. 👉 Ready to get started? Contact us now on WhatsApp: +229 96571098 Join Crown Bankers today and invest in your future! 🌍 #CrownBankers #InvestSmart #SolarPower #EVs #Crypto #financialfreedom
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 190 Views
  • Vive la paix
    Croyons en la paix
    La paix est possible si nous travaillons tous ensemble..
    Venez me joindre sous l'alliance 360...
    #come on guys
    Vive la paix🌿 Croyons en la paix La paix est possible si nous travaillons tous ensemble.. Venez me joindre sous l'alliance 360... #peace #come on guys
    1 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 641 Views

    Thursday 25: 00 a.m. to 1 a.m.

    THEME: FATHER! Bless my hands.


    Psalms 128

    CONFESSION: Psalms, 128:2 - You then enjoy the work of your hands, You are happy, you prosper.

    PART 1: adorations and thanks

    PART 2:

    The work of my hands


    Thank you Lord for supporting and blessing the work of my hands, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    By the mercy of God, I will not labor in vain. My work will be blessed and I will eat its fruit, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O God, by Your mercy, I will not die carrying out my work, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O Lord, release Your benevolent Spirit on the works of my hands and fulfill the prayer of Jabès in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    Powers of hard works without good rewards, I reject you and subject you to violent death in my environment, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O Lord, give me the strength and power to never fail or slacken in the accomplishment of my tasks. Make me diligent, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    ObFather, I give thanks to you for supporting this business (call the name of your business) in my hands and not allowing it to fail, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O Lord, grant me the grace to be faithful and motivated in my business and help me to make it grow, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O LORD, may Your beauty and Your glory be upon me. Confirm the works of my hands in everything I do, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    I declare that my works of my hands will be unlimited and untouchable by the vagaries of business, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O God, I refuse to despise small beginnings, for you will rejoice in my works and my work, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    O Lord, I ask that all obstacles, stumbling blocks, manipulations put in place by the enemy to prevent me from prospering in the few months remaining for the end of this year, be paralyzed and removed, in the name powerful of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f

    Say :


    Part 3

    Personal requests

    PART 4

    Praise and end

    O Lord, bless my hands in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f
    🚨🚨🚨 FASTING PRAYER ❇️Thursday 25: 00 a.m. to 1 a.m. ✝️ THEME: FATHER! Bless my hands. 🆎 BIBLICAL TEXTS 🟣👉 Psalms 128 🟣 CONFESSION: Psalms, 128:2 - You then enjoy the work of your hands, You are happy, you prosper. ✝️ PART 1: adorations and thanks ✝️ PART 2: 💃The work of my hands 🌹PRAYER SUBJECTS👇 1️⃣Thank you Lord for supporting and blessing the work of my hands, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 2️⃣By the mercy of God, I will not labor in vain. My work will be blessed and I will eat its fruit, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 3️⃣ O God, by Your mercy, I will not die carrying out my work, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 4️⃣O Lord, release Your benevolent Spirit on the works of my hands and fulfill the prayer of Jabès in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 5️⃣Powers of hard works without good rewards, I reject you and subject you to violent death in my environment, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 6️⃣O Lord, give me the strength and power to never fail or slacken in the accomplishment of my tasks. Make me diligent, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 7️⃣ObFather, I give thanks to you for supporting this business (call the name of your business) in my hands and not allowing it to fail, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 8️⃣O Lord, grant me the grace to be faithful and motivated in my business and help me to make it grow, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 9️⃣O LORD, may Your beauty and Your glory be upon me. Confirm the works of my hands in everything I do, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 🔟I declare that my works of my hands will be unlimited and untouchable by the vagaries of business, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 1️⃣1️⃣ O God, I refuse to despise small beginnings, for you will rejoice in my works and my work, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f 1️⃣2️⃣O Lord, I ask that all obstacles, stumbling blocks, manipulations put in place by the enemy to prevent me from prospering in the few months remaining for the end of this year, be paralyzed and removed, in the name powerful of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f Say : MY TIME HAS COME BECAUSE ALL I DO IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF NAZARETH 3F 🆘 PRAYERS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY (PRAYER FOR PROTECTION) ✝️ Part 3 Personal requests ✝️ PART 4 Praise and end ❇️O Lord, bless my hands in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 3f
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 434 Views
  • La noix de cajou
    La noix de cajou ou anacarde est la graine contenue dans la pomme de cajou, le fruit de l'anacardier,arbre originaire d'Amérique tropicale
    le fruit est une drupe dont la coque contiebt une résine caustique et allergisante,avec à 'lintérieur une amande comestible qui après avoir subit une série d'opérations de séchage,chauffage,décorticage et torréfaction acquiert toutes ses qualités gustatives.
    Elle peut alors etre consommée telle quelle ou servir en cuisine
    La noix de cajou La noix de cajou ou anacarde est la graine contenue dans la pomme de cajou, le fruit de l'anacardier,arbre originaire d'Amérique tropicale le fruit est une drupe dont la coque contiebt une résine caustique et allergisante,avec à 'lintérieur une amande comestible qui après avoir subit une série d'opérations de séchage,chauffage,décorticage et torréfaction acquiert toutes ses qualités gustatives. Elle peut alors etre consommée telle quelle ou servir en cuisine
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 217 Views
  • *Miira-cell+ est bénéfique dans plusieurs maladies:*

    Maladie rénale
    Maladie de Parkinson
    Polyarthrite rhumatoïde
    Lupus érythémateux disséminé
    Douleur chronique au cou
    Tous les types de cancer
    Maladie du foie
    Cancer de la prostate
    Cancer colorectal
    Anémie falciforme
    Paralysie cérébrale
    Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques
    syndrome pulmonaire
    Pneumopathie obstructive chronique
    Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes
    Ulcère peptique
    Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple Ulcère/pied diabétique
    Pierres aux reins
    Pierre de la vésicule biliaire
    Polypes nasaux
    Troubles mentaux
    Blessure à la moelle épinière
    Maladie du foie

    *Miira-cell+ est bénéfique dans plusieurs maladies:* 👇👇👇👇👇 ♦️Maladie rénale ♦️Cataracte ♦️Glaucome ♦️Maladie de Parkinson ♦️AVC ♦️Polyarthrite rhumatoïde ♦️Arthrose ♦️Neurofibromatose ♦️Lupus érythémateux disséminé ♦️Lombalgie ♦️ Douleur chronique au cou ♦️Spondylose ♦️Névralgie ♦️Acné ♦️Chéloïdes ♦️Tous les types de cancer ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Cancer de la prostate ♦️Cancer colorectal ♦️Anémie falciforme ♦️Paralysie cérébrale ♦️Leucémie ♦️Infertilité ♦️Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques ♦️Cardiomyopathie ♦️Asthme ♦️ syndrome pulmonaire ♦️Pneumopathie obstructive chronique ♦️Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes ♦️Ulcère peptique ♦️Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple ♦️Ulcère/pied diabétique ♦️Pierres aux reins ♦️Pierre de la vésicule biliaire ♦️Polypes nasaux ♦️ Épilepsie ♦️Autisme ♦️Troubles mentaux ♦️ Paralysie ♦️Blessure à la moelle épinière ♦️Leucémie ♦️Immunosuppression ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Goitre ♦️Démence 🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛etc.
    2 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 257 Views
  • https://youtu.be/Y3GzHUnyHKQ?si=F-YtNYauPHiO7gaP

    Welcome Dellon
    https://youtu.be/Y3GzHUnyHKQ?si=F-YtNYauPHiO7gaP Welcome Dellon
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 566 Views
  • *Les maladies traitées par le miira-cell+*)

    Maladie rénale
    Maladie de Parkinson
    Polyarthrite rhumatoïde
    Lupus érythémateux disséminé
    Douleur chronique au cou
    Tous les types de cancer
    Maladie du foie
    Cancer de la prostate
    Cancer colorectal
    Anémie falciforme
    Paralysie cérébrale
    Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques
    syndrome pulmonaire
    Pneumopathie obstructive chronique
    Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes
    Ulcère peptique
    Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple Ulcère/pied diabétique
    Pierres aux reins
    Pierre de la vésicule biliaire
    Polypes nasaux
    Troubles mentaux
    Blessure à la moelle épinière
    Maladie du foie

    *Les maladies traitées par le miira-cell+*) 👇👇👇👇👇 ♦️Maladie rénale ♦️Cataracte ♦️Glaucome ♦️Maladie de Parkinson ♦️AVC ♦️Polyarthrite rhumatoïde ♦️Arthrose ♦️Neurofibromatose ♦️Lupus érythémateux disséminé ♦️Lombalgie ♦️ Douleur chronique au cou ♦️Spondylose ♦️Névralgie ♦️Acné ♦️Chéloïdes ♦️Tous les types de cancer ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Cancer de la prostate ♦️Cancer colorectal ♦️Anémie falciforme ♦️Paralysie cérébrale ♦️Leucémie ♦️Infertilité ♦️Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques ♦️Cardiomyopathie ♦️Asthme ♦️ syndrome pulmonaire ♦️Pneumopathie obstructive chronique ♦️Faible nombre de spermatozoïdes ♦️Ulcère peptique ♦️Ulcère de jambe qui ne guérit pas, par exemple ♦️Ulcère/pied diabétique ♦️Pierres aux reins ♦️Pierre de la vésicule biliaire ♦️Polypes nasaux ♦️ Épilepsie ♦️Autisme ♦️Troubles mentaux ♦️ Paralysie ♦️Blessure à la moelle épinière ♦️Leucémie ♦️Immunosuppression ♦️Maladie du foie ♦️Goitre ♦️Démence 🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛🔛etc.
    0 Σχόλια 2 Μοιράστηκε 585 Views
  • Thanks to the ADSP RDC organization.

    Action for Social Development and the Promotion of Peace, ADSP Asbl warmly thanks all the people who contributed to its success, in particular the participants for their availability, the interest they showed throughout the duration of the Strategic meeting to set up Professional Training centers and their motivation, which will contribute to a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere with the aim of promoting youth entrepreneurship. These thanks also go to the authorities of the Professional and Trade Ministry of the DRC for their support and encouragement during the opening and closing sessions of the Meeting.
    This meeting was organized by the Coordination of ADSP RDC and Professional Statistics.
    ADSP RDC ensured the preparation and logistics of the next training, under the efficient and attentive leadership of the Director General, Mr. Léonard NYAKAMAGA and the team was made up of other members of the Coordination, thus ADSP RDC provided facilitators Analysts of Food Safety and Communication as well as ADSP Consultants.
    The Assistant to the Representative of IASCO DRC Mr. Emmanuel MPURUTA, participated in the opening and closing sessions of the training.

    We thank our partners who support us forever so that we can achieve our goals that we have set for ourselves and we take advantage of throwing a crisis to other people, to national and international organizations, to support us because we cannot achieve it with the only way rather than together we can since we aim far to achieve far and we envisage during this year training more than 1000 idle young people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Welcome to the new partner and we love you all.

    Pour ADSP RDC.
    Signed communication cell.
    Thanks to the ADSP RDC organization. Action for Social Development and the Promotion of Peace, ADSP Asbl warmly thanks all the people who contributed to its success, in particular the participants for their availability, the interest they showed throughout the duration of the Strategic meeting to set up Professional Training centers and their motivation, which will contribute to a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere with the aim of promoting youth entrepreneurship. These thanks also go to the authorities of the Professional and Trade Ministry of the DRC for their support and encouragement during the opening and closing sessions of the Meeting. This meeting was organized by the Coordination of ADSP RDC and Professional Statistics. ADSP RDC ensured the preparation and logistics of the next training, under the efficient and attentive leadership of the Director General, Mr. Léonard NYAKAMAGA and the team was made up of other members of the Coordination, thus ADSP RDC provided facilitators Analysts of Food Safety and Communication as well as ADSP Consultants. The Assistant to the Representative of IASCO DRC Mr. Emmanuel MPURUTA, participated in the opening and closing sessions of the training. We thank our partners who support us forever so that we can achieve our goals that we have set for ourselves and we take advantage of throwing a crisis to other people, to national and international organizations, to support us because we cannot achieve it with the only way rather than together we can since we aim far to achieve far and we envisage during this year training more than 1000 idle young people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Welcome to the new partner and we love you all. Pour ADSP RDC. Signed communication cell.
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 1052 Views
  • Peace Economy Initiative

    This document signifies the commencement of a partnership between Alliance360.club and the HUM group led by Manuel, dedicated to establishing an economy centered around peace, culminating in a grand Peace Day celebration on January 30, 2025.

    Objective: By January 30, 2025, orchestrate a global movement uniting nations and individuals in commemorating Peace Day, symbolizing the transition towards a peace-based economy.

    Key Focus: Shifting focus and resources from the current war-centric economy towards initiatives fostering peace, thereby generating opportunities for widespread participation and prosperity.

    Approach: Revolutionizing the existing economic landscape by promoting peace-centric ventures and empowering individuals to thrive in a culture of harmony and cooperation.

    Alliance360.club will serve as the nexus for this transformative initiative, offering a platform for collaboration among organizations, NGOs, peacemakers, and the global community.

    The strategy involves incentivizing participation through income-generating opportunities tied to promoting peace, effectively transitioning from a war-driven economy to one founded on principles of harmony and prosperity.

    Our joint efforts aim to galvanize global support for Reconciliation Day, envisioned as a monumental event uniting people from diverse backgrounds to celebrate peace and solidarity.

    Through Alliance360.club, individuals, including the underprivileged, will have access to avenues for sustainable income, preserving their dignity while contributing to the greater cause of peacebuilding.

    War's destructive cycle of conflict and suffering will be replaced with a sustainable model where prosperity is achieved through cooperation and mutual respect.

    The momentum generated by our collective endeavors will culminate in an annual celebration of unity on Reconciliation Day, serving as a beacon of hope for a world free from strife and division.

    Together, with Alliance360.club, HUM, and a coalition of organizations, NGOs, peacemakers, and individuals worldwide, we stand united in our commitment to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for all.
    Peace Economy Initiative This document signifies the commencement of a partnership between Alliance360.club and the HUM group led by Manuel, dedicated to establishing an economy centered around peace, culminating in a grand Peace Day celebration on January 30, 2025. Objective: By January 30, 2025, orchestrate a global movement uniting nations and individuals in commemorating Peace Day, symbolizing the transition towards a peace-based economy. Key Focus: Shifting focus and resources from the current war-centric economy towards initiatives fostering peace, thereby generating opportunities for widespread participation and prosperity. Approach: Revolutionizing the existing economic landscape by promoting peace-centric ventures and empowering individuals to thrive in a culture of harmony and cooperation. Alliance360.club will serve as the nexus for this transformative initiative, offering a platform for collaboration among organizations, NGOs, peacemakers, and the global community. The strategy involves incentivizing participation through income-generating opportunities tied to promoting peace, effectively transitioning from a war-driven economy to one founded on principles of harmony and prosperity. Our joint efforts aim to galvanize global support for Reconciliation Day, envisioned as a monumental event uniting people from diverse backgrounds to celebrate peace and solidarity. Through Alliance360.club, individuals, including the underprivileged, will have access to avenues for sustainable income, preserving their dignity while contributing to the greater cause of peacebuilding. War's destructive cycle of conflict and suffering will be replaced with a sustainable model where prosperity is achieved through cooperation and mutual respect. The momentum generated by our collective endeavors will culminate in an annual celebration of unity on Reconciliation Day, serving as a beacon of hope for a world free from strife and division. Together, with Alliance360.club, HUM, and a coalition of organizations, NGOs, peacemakers, and individuals worldwide, we stand united in our commitment to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for all.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1080 Views
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